man dancing with neon lights and signs on backgroundPhoto by RODNAE Productions on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

When you are genuinely afraid to check your bank account, you know you are broke; what don’t look at me like that… we have all been there at one point or another along these treacherous trails of financial freedom. What are the next steps that follow on how to get that bank account back to where you can be Whistlin-Dixie on a Saturday morning is another process entirely but fear not dear readers; I am here to help you in that process and to maybe give you a different outlook on a sometimes dire situation. Do people whistle Dixie anymore? I feel like I am really dating myself with that phrase, why did I type those words and press enter; I digress.

The great news is there are many different options available for anyone who wants to start their own business with very little starting capital. Technology baby! It will lead you to the light, the first step to any new business endeavor or money-making adventure is advertising; that can be a scary word to anyone with limited funds but there are so many options to make your brand or business known; domain host sites are continuing to expand rapidly which allows a certain advantage of finding the best deal that is affordable to you, capitalism baby.

Marketing will Skyrocket your Business

With modern social media word of mouth, advertising has been exalted and great for any business of any kind, be creative, standout; if the product, brand, or business is good the advertising will pay for itself with shares and likes. The decision you have to make is what is the immediate need for you to earn income rapidly, and what can you provide to meet that need. It’s a simple formula but it requires absolute vision and execution.

Let’s look at some of the newest businesses that are trending and the different opportunities people are taking advantage of to become their own boss. Believe it or not, food trucks are one hell of a way to make huge margin gains on very little overhead, Food trucks?! I can’t afford a food truck you mumble at me under your breath as you continue reading, relax. I am just giving some examples. Something much more simplistic may catch your attention and a new business that is actually achievable; Dog walking/ sitting. Yes, that’s right, have you not noticed that every single person on the planet seems to have a tiny creature of some sort, we are lonely but that makes a great opportunity for you to clean up and make some cash, grab one of those witty domain names that will probably have a dog or cat pun in it and register that bad boy!

Congratulations, you have just started your own company and you are the boss; start small and advertise, advertise, advertise. Are you great with coding? How about basic coding? You can create an app and I know creating an app is one of those things that everyone seems to put in their lists of making easy money but it really is an avenue anyone with any coding should travel as it is very inexpensive for hosting. Are you particularly good in a specific field? Try your hand at becoming an online teacher and offer lessons; with so many ways to connect with new people from zoom to skype to Facebook live, finding new clients is a lot easier in the modern climate.

Set Goals as an entrepreneur

I could give many more examples but the meat and potatoes of this plate are that there are many different business ideas that can be started right now and with modern technology, it is easier than ever to get the online expert assistance you need for very little cost to you. There are bountiful options to turn that bank account around but the most important thing in starting any new business idea is execution. You must commit and write down your specific goals and what you hope to achieve and for god sake stay away from listening to those motivational videos of David Goggins screaming at you to stay hard with beautiful violins playing in the background; you are wasting time, just get started. It can be a difficult burden to face when you go broke, life is life; we are not done yet, we still have capital and by god, we can invest that in a new business venture you new entrepreneur you.

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Final Thoughts

Finally, we must mention the un-mentionable as an alternative route of becoming your own brand and earning an additional revenue stream and that is to become a social media personality or influencer. It pains me to even write that sentence but the fact is live twitch streamers are earning money right now for playing video games, only fans seem to be doing well… or so I heard. YouTube lives are bringing in all-time highs in reference to viewers and new channels being subscribed to (well, except mine). The internet is abuzz with new talent and new viewers to new content looking to distract them. The great thing about this is all you really need is a working cell phone, the not-so-great thing about this is that it may take you literally years to break through the enclave of traffic that you must climb above to actually build a sustainable audience.. or you know… you are really hot. It is a great time to be alive in this modern era and we are lucky to have the many opportunities available due in large part to technology and the need to create new jobs as a direct result, let us all take advantage of this great new world; be bold, creative and fearless and above all execute your idea.

Check out my favorite entrepreneur information Here! These guys are awesome.

More entrepreneur tips:

  • Create a Support System. Being a business owner may be an isolated experience at times…. Be Very Specific With Your Goals.

  • Another thing I’ve learned over the years is to divide large ambitions into smaller ones.
    When possible, delegate.

  • Maintain a Low Overhead. You can always upgrade later as the money starts flowing in.

  • Find Your Best Niche and Stick to It. Are you attempting to do too much too soon? Do you feel the urge to be everything to all of your clients? You can’t do it all!

  • Keep Your Day Job for a Little While Longer. It is a regular occurrence.

  • It’s a frequent trap: a person becomes enthralled by a tiny company concept, quits his or her day job, and then goes bankrupt or broke. Plan plan, and plan!

  • Distractions must be avoided at all costs.

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