5 Best Video Editing Software for Beginners in 2022
Why video editing software is important? When it comes to video editing software, there are a lot of options available…
Amazon Stock Split is A Major Event for Tech Rookies
Good evening Tech Rookies! Exciting news of Amazon deciding to conduct a stock split. This means cheaper shares for Tech…
The Hottest Highest Paying Tech Jobs: The Ultimate Guide
Are you interested in a career in the tech industry? If so, you’re in luck! The tech industry is booming…
The Stock Market is Crashing: What You Need to Know
The stock market is crashing and everyone is freaking out. What should you do? Should you sell your stocks and…
Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read in 2022.
Great Leaders are Readers! Hey Tech Rookies! Let’s talk books. Why should entrepreneurs read books? A lot of successful entrepreneurs…