close up photo of toy technology bot looking very inteligentPhoto by Kindel Media on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Hello, Tech Rookies let’s talk about why nobody wants to work. Why? Well technology and AI are probably the blame. Let’s face it, technology has made our lives easier. We have GPS to tell us how to get places, we have online shopping so we don’t have to go to the store, and we have entertainment at our fingertips. So why work when you can just stay home and enjoy life? I recently wrote about how Technology must be terrifying to Octogenarians.

These days it seems Nobody wants to work!

You have seen the articles floating around on your aunt’s co-workers’ Facebook page; This generation has no work ethic and they have the memes to prove it by god!… is it true though? Well, surprisingly recent statistics show that more and more employees are quitting their jobs in record numbers. So, does this mean that all those Facebook zingers aimed at younger generations are true… the Boomers won?

Well, of course not! There could be no way of correlating people quitting their job with the work ethic of individuals statistics or no statistics; I think technology certainly has romanticized the idea of monetizing yourself as a brand in 2022. Tik Tok millionaires are everywhere it seems, and what are their job skills as qualified candidates in the modern workplace? They make sick vids, bro.

The harsh reality is you are only seeing the top one percent of social media personalities become legitimate millionaires on each respective platform; sure the idea that you too can become rich and famous by plugging up your HD camera and buying a sweet back-light for your green screen that is thirty percent off on Amazon for a limited time.

For every Jake Paul there are millions of Pake Jauls just trying to get their channel off the ground, their Soundcloud mix-tapes in circulation, clicks, investing time, money, effort, and sometimes sanity just to maybe go viral and hope to sustain that audience for the foreseeable future on a platform that uploads seven hundred and twenty thousand hours of video every day; and yes is the answer if you were wondering if I spelled out 720,000 to make it seem larger (mind manipulation).

The time most people spend trying to cultivate their channel or image or personality to an online audience is losing valuable lessons that are required to survive in the modern workplace.

The skills and trade schools are no longer the dreams of young men and women, doctors and lawyers? Yawn. Fast Food and warehouses? Are you kidding me? It’s all about the clicks baby! Why waste time working for ten dollars an hour when I could just sit at home and become a millionaire? Now that’s a hypothetical thought process of course but I’m willing to bet my last dollar bill that those words have been in the head of someone out there who declined the offer at Best Buy somewhere.

Technology is changing the Game

So, what has to change? As modern technology continues to make the world more interconnected the modern workplace must evolve at the same rate of speed or risk being left behind like that awful Nicholas Cage film. It’s easy to look at a chart of numbers and point the finger and say “see. you’re generation is lazy”. There is so much more information that is needed to fill in the blanks as to what is causing a worker shortage in America but a chart of statistics certainly gets us no closer to an answer.

Wage increases would be one immediate way to get those numbers back up as everyone seems to be chasing the bag in one way or another, which makes a nine to five standard job to a millennial or Gen Z almost a last option with so many different revenue options available to everyone at the moment with modern technology and connect-ability; from bloggers to influencers down to being a freelance writer on insert any of the millions of websites available here, The dream is too big, the idea is too good, they must be heard and the thought that anyone would wanna stifle that by working hours in a brick and mortar the store is outlandish.

Read why your Business will fail! Here.

Technology is the blame!

It is an interesting time that we are currently living in when it comes to businesses and technology as one entity co-existing in an unstable modern society with inflation and instability across the globe having a direct impact on economies in every country, not just our own and how that will affect the new age worker who is looking to live his or her American dream; It seems the idea of starting from the ground floor of any new job or company and slowly working your way up the ole corporate ladder is like an ancient folk a tale that was told under the stars in caves of our ancestors.

close up photo showing a technology bot looking intelligent
Photo by Kindel Media on

Ain’t nobody got time for that. Technology has made us impatient at the very least, It’s important to understand that the steps to a white picket fence have long been redacted and re-written, There are new dreams and goals of the modern men and women of this society and those dreams and goals involve interrupting a segment on a YouTube tutorial to read an advertisement about getting yourself some mental health so they can get that sweet, sweet ad-revenue money.

Final Thoughts

The modern workplace is ever-changing, and with technology playing such a big role in our lives, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve. Whether you’re looking to become a YouTuber or just wanting to find a 9-5 job, it’s important to understand the landscape and how things are changing. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, and what works for one person may not work for another. The most important thing is to stay open-minded and flexible. Thanks for reading!

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